Who am I?

I only started to live when I found the answer.

Donnette Anglin
3 min readFeb 26, 2022
Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

I felt controlled. I accepted it then as a way of life.

Until one day, it just didn't feel right.

Who am I?

I struggled to answer this critical but straightforward question earlier in my life.

Not knowing yourself feels like you're being robbed of your identity.

I got married at 17. Our new Clergyman was a good catch. Not only was he handsome, but he had a unique personality. The 12years age difference between us didn't seem significant. But looking back, I was just an innocent child who felt special by his attention. I yearned for a love that was missing at home with my parents.

Our eyes connected the first Sunday he was introduced at our local church.

We soon became close and were going to events outside our local circle. But, despite what others thought of it then, our relationship was pure and platonic — We simply enjoyed each other's company.

That didn't stop the community from tongue-wagging.

It didn't look right for the local Pastor to be seen in public with a pretty young girl through their eyes.

I felt pressured into marrying him.

I was made leader in a…



Donnette Anglin

Writing to make sense of life. Join me on the journey to becoming a better individual..